Gucci enlarge recruit, store whole hall 50% fold!

It is reported that this round of price reduction from May 20, initially aimed at VIP customers, but according to a number of media reports, 27 ordinary customers can also buy freely in the store. So we saw the following spectacular scene... This round of promotion is no different, bags, handbags, clothing, shoes, perfume, scarves, sunglasses, everything you can see in the store is on sale, it is not because the general public interest is so high.

But you don't have to be in a hurry if you don't get in line. There's still time! The price cut is likely to continue until July, according to unconfirmed reports. Since this year, international luxury giants in China set off a collective price wind, this time the first Chanel. On March 24, top luxury brand of Chanel China announced across greater China commodity prices by 20% to cope with the international exchange rate fluctuations, the resulting line up big rush, Prada group also in early April in prices in Asia excluding Japan, followed by Dior also lowered his price, one of the most popular bag pricing for each watch brand is almost all the big shots.

Although on the name is Gucci annual big promote, but in previous years the discount is basically stable in about 70% off, 50% off this kind of substantial price reduction promotion almost never had, Shanghai hang long square Gucci is surrounded by a tight. "Compared with chanel's move, GUCCI is more aggressive this time, which can even be described as a breakthrough in the bottom line, which also marks that luxury brands will enter the normal stage of discount in the Chinese market."

Kering, Gucci's parent company, reported first-quarter sales of 869 million euros as of March 31, down 7.9 percent from the same period last year. Meanwhile, the brand's wholesale revenue dropped 23 percent, which means Gucci is losing a lot of customers.

However, a recent survey in China shows that with the continuous downturn of the luxury market in the mainland, some once-popular brands are facing the dilemma of being abandoned by consumers, especially Gucci and LV, the former big brands, which have become the two most outdated luxury bag brands in the eyes of consumers. Gucci's price cut is intended to hit sales in the short term, boost performance and relieve the pressure caused by poor performance.

With all this said, the main meaning is that the price reduction and promotion of luxury brands may become the "new normal" of China's luxury consumption market in the future.