Entries from 2019-10-01 to 1 month

Driving with sunglasses during the day, safe driving is guaranteed

Driving sunglasses, cool, and handsome? In fact, wearing sunglasses is very important for driving safety. When we drive on the road, we will encounter sun glare, high-speed road surface reflection, and reflective glass walls on both sides.…

Audemars Piguet women's watch for a hundred years

Since the brand was founded in 1875, the Swiss fine watch brand Audemars Piguet has always been committed to making beautiful women's timepieces, boldly challenging the technical and aesthetics of the existing regulations. Today, Audemars …

Polarized sunglasses, do you know?

What is polarized light? Polarization can be divided into three types, namely linear polarization, elliptically polarized light and circularly polarized light. Generally, the so-called polarized light refers to linear polarized light, also…

What should I choose for the first luxury bag in my life?

I believe that every girl loves bags and wants to start a Replica luxury bag. However, the first luxury bag is inevitably difficult to choose. The most important thing to choose is whether it is in line with its own temperament style. Choo…