Entries from 2019-06-01 to 1 month

Genuine old flower bag Louis Vuitton VS Hermes Birkin, what is the processing price?

Among the many luxury categories, the status and popularity of the luggage is undoubtedly the highest. In recent years, the network has been widely developed, and more and more people use luxury luggage brands. The most popular style of th…

This time Gucci taught us to miss the past and the future!

The fashion circle itself and the science fiction movie are both cp In 1957, with the launch of the first satellite of the former Soviet Union, the United States and the Soviet Union conducted a space race for 20 years, so this era is also…

How to identify Rolex watch A goods watch

Fake Cheap Rolex Watches are one of the famous Swiss watch brands. Rolex watches are not only known for their workmanship, quality, but also his expensive price. Therefore, there are many A-loaded Rolex on the market to lie to consumers. T…