Chanel's performance data can easily earn 5 billion in a year!

It has always been straightforward to directly link Galeries Lagerfeld to the Chanel brand of Replica Cheap Chanel Handbags. However, until today, Chanel is still a privately held company, and the company's helm is not related to Ms. Chanel. Instead, in the last century, together with Ms. Chanel, the brothers Alain and Gerard Wertheimer of the company's PierreWertheimer were formed. These two people were extremely low-key. Even the financial statements of the entire Chanel parent company, Chanel International BV, were disclosed for the first time last year. According to Bloomberg estimates, the company The overall market value is around $18.5 billion.

Chanel2018 spring and summer conference site French financial magazine "Challenges" from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce obtained the annual report submitted by Chanel International BV registered in the Netherlands (Fake Discount Chanel Bags also published the financial report in this way last year), which shows: the total sales of Chanel in 2016 It was 4.99 billion euros, although it increased by 8.5% year-on-year, but it was still less than 26% growth last year. At the same time, its operating profit reached 1.15 billion euros, which was 8.5% higher than that of 2014, but the net profit of 726 million euros was sharper than that of 2015. The decline was mainly due to the fact that Chanel has been investing heavily in the acquisition of property ownership in the flagship store in Paris this year.