Do you know the price of foreign Chanel bags?

The legendary Replica Cheap Louis Vuitton Bag has a domestic price of one foreign price. Why are these brand-name bags of Chanel bags and lv bags different from domestic prices? Counting your fingers, you can buy a classic old-fashioned series lv bag at the domestic counter. You can buy two bags of the same style in Paris. Are you unhappy?

Do you know the price of foreign Replica Discount Chanel Bags? Do you know the price of the domestic counter Chanel bag lv bag? Paris sells more than 5,000. Domestic sales of tens of thousands, is it a bad mood?

The most beautiful Chanel bag in the classic style, in the Chanel official website released a lot of good-looking styles, but in the domestic counters you are indeed very difficult to find, and the classic style price is usually expensive "for example, Chanel's classic GST handbags, Domestic counters are 23,000, and the price of Paris is 15,000, which is a fraction of the cost.

At present, China's luxury import tariffs are generally between 15% and 25%. Coupled with customs inspection, inspection costs, VAT, business tax, consumption tax, etc., the price will generally be at least one-third higher than the original place. This has made it a phenomenon for Chinese people to go abroad for shopping.

"The Hong Kong region implements a zero-tariff policy. Many people in mainland China have found that some of the goods there are cheaper than the mainland after they arrived in Hong Kong." Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said yesterday that imported high-end consumer goods are showing a very hot trend in large and medium-sized cities because of people's lives. The standard has improved, and the brand awareness of the consumer groups after the 80s and 90s has increased.

Many European and American brands of fabrics are exported by China, and even some of the processing links are still completed in China. Yesterday, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said in public that he would adopt a series of measures to reduce the burden on retail enterprises and solve the problem that some brands' sales prices in China are higher than overseas prices.

The legendary luxury lv bag has a domestic price of one foreign price. Why are these brand-name bags of Chanel bags and lv bags different from domestic prices? Counting your fingers, you can buy a classic old-fashioned series lv bag at the domestic counter. You can buy two bags of the same style in Paris. Are you unhappy?

Therefore, Apple products are fined in China because of the price difference. When the same thing happens in these Fake luxury bags, it is rare to hear the punishment, so the girls have to be high for the country. Imitation of the famous products is not flat, once out of the country is bold, like buying cabbage to buy luxury goods, such a bag is more extravagant for girls who are difficult to go abroad?

When foreign media yelled "Chinese people really have money", a phenomenon that cannot be ignored is that excessive tariffs and consumption taxes have led to thousands of price differences, making people "love" for luxury goods sold domestically.